We are proud to be a ‘Safe Surgery’ for everyone in our community. All are welcome.
Everyone in the UK has the right to free care from a GP. If you don’t have proof of ID or address, you can still register. Immigration status or nationality don’t matter – reception won’t ask for immigration documents and won’t share your information with the Home Office unless serious crime is involved.
we will ensure that our practice offers a welcoming space for everyone who seeks to use our services. If you wish to register, please speak to a member of staff who can help and support you with the process of registration. Ask reception for an interpreter if you find it difficult to communicate in English.
Here is a list of some other ways to receive help in an emergency.

Register with the surgery
Catchment area
Before filling out a registration form, check you are in our catchment area.
Find out with GPs you can register with on the NHS website.
Catchment Area
To register with the surgery:
- fill out an online registration form
- visit reception from 8am to 6.30pm and collect a paper registration form
When you register, it’s helpful to have your NHS number. You can use the NHS website to find your NHS number.
However, you do not need proof of address or immigration status, ID or an NHS number to register at the practice.
Rights and Responsibilities
Your Rights as a Patient
- New patients will be offered a new patient health check within six months of registering with the practice.
- Patients will not be removed from the list without first receiving a warning, and a reason will be given for this.
- You have a right to choose a GP within the practice either for one appointment or generally, but this may mean you will have to wait longer for an appointment. Also, the GP may refuse to see you if there are reasonable grounds, or you could be asked to see another GP if you are requesting a particular service which is provided by another clinician within the practice.
- You have a right to an appointment, regardless of whether or not you have been seen within the last 3 years (12 months if over 75).
Your Responsibilities as a Patient
- To treat all staff with respect.
- To keep appointments or to let us know in good time if you are not able to attend, in order for the appointment to be offered to another patient.
- To tell us immediately if you change your address or telephone number.
Accessing someone else’s information
As a parent, family member or carer, you may be able to access services for someone else. We call this having proxy access. We can set this up for you if you are both registered with us.
To requests proxy access, please collect a proxy access form from reception from 9am to 5pm.
Linked profiles in your NHS account
Once proxy access is set up, you can access the other person’s profile in your NHS account, using the NHS App or website.
The NHS website has information about using linked profiles to access services for someone else.
Accountable GP
From 1st April 2015, practices are required to allocate all patients (including children) with a named accountable GP.
The named GP is responsible for the coordination and delivery of all appropriate services, where required based on clinical judgement, to each of their patients.
- Patients do not need to see their named GP when they book an appointment with the practice.
- Patients are entitled to choose to see any GP or nurse in the practice.